Ahn Nyong, NEw SEmemster!!
THe first day in Uni..., man really long time didn't meet all my coursemates. Most of them changed their hairstyle and the way the dress up. AS for me, still the same old Eileen aka the cute lil gal.. (Hai....). BEfore the class start.. (one week before the class start), you can hear juniors asking seniors for the notes, textbooks...and ah hmmm.. (you know wat?!). A few juniors approached me and asked me whether i still hav my notes with me? Man... hav to tell them that i already given away ( yeah... 3rd year liao mah...).
REally.... only the 1st day, i can feel peer pressure and stress around me. I can see everyone busy asking around.( can see that the lab is starting to be the busiest place and also the book shop). Beside that, u can see the notice board in every floor ( i guess) got notices up...book sales la...notes sales la and so on.
AH......As for me, still enjoying my holiday (REally dont want to see myself in stress condition...AHhhhhhhhhh). Anyway, this semester, i feel that i'm a bit free (thanx to my elective and it's only 1st WEek.. kekekekeke).... either i hav long break in between or my class finish superb early. Ah...do i really enjoy my uni life? i can say... yes in a way... and no also. Well.... i'll update my uni life story here...Tata!!
to be continued.... =)
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